Tobacco control
Tobacco use is a leading cause of many types of cancer, accounting for some 2.5 million deaths due to cancer globally, and costs an estimated USD 1.4 trillion to economies. New products, such as e-cigarettes, are designed to capture a new generation of consumers.

Tobacco kills eight million people worldwide each year, mainly in low- and middle-income countries where 80% of the world’s smokers live. Second-hand smoking further causes 1.2 million deaths per year among non-smokers.
Tobacco use is a leading cause of multiple cancers such as oral cancers, lung, liver, stomach, bowel and ovarian cancers, as well as some types of leukaemia. It contributes to 25% of all cancer deaths globally, an estimated 2.5 million per year.
Quitting at any age can make an immense difference for the user, increasing life expectancy and improving the quality of life.
Tobacco use burdens the global economy, with an estimated USD 1.4 trillion in healthcare costs and lost productivity each year.
In addition, tobacco has a negative impact on economies due to illicit trade, as well as on the environment and climate change. Tobacco production is also linked to human rights abuses and child labour.
Image: Diagram based on the “Tobacco use, smoking infographic” by the CDC – click on image to view larger.
World No Tobacco Day 2024 is coming up with the theme
"Protecting children from tobacco industry interference"
What is tobacco control?
Tobacco control aims at reducing the use of tobacco and the serious health risks and mortality it causes through policies, laws and education. It has long been a priority of UICC’s advocacy efforts in collaboration with members and partners. Tobacco control is also one of the 16 essential health services monitored by the World Health Organization (WHO) to achieve universal health coverage (UHC).
It is essential for the promotion of better health as part of UHC that people understand the risk of smoking and tobacco use. Governments and policy makers have a clear responsibility to protect them from harm caused by tobacco.
– Sonali Johnson, Head of Knowledge, Advocacy and Policy, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
Regulations and policies
In order to stop the global tobacco epidemic, an international treaty entered into force in 2005: the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). WHO defines it as “an evidence-based treaty that reaffirms the right of all people to the highest standard of health. There are currently 180 parties to the convention. The treaty deals with topics such as demand-side reduction measures, supply-side reduction measures, protection of the environment, protection from tobacco industry interests, implementation of multi-sectoral tobacco control strategies, nicotine addiction and exposure to second-hand smoke, public awareness, illicit trade and measures such as tax increases or ban advertising.

Photo credit: WHO FCTC/P.Virot
The role of UICC and its members
UICC and its members encourage governments and policy makers to adopt and effectively implement the WHO FCTC treaty and by raising awareness of the risks related to the use of tobacco.
The tobacco industry continues to promote tobacco use with very strong and powerful marketing campaigns targeted particularly at youth populations. It is therefore very important to counter the dissemination of misinformation and to raise awareness about this complex topic encompassing several health and socio-economic domains. This includes education about e-cigarettes and emerging heated tobacco products.
UICC is concerned by the rise in the prevalence of youth vaping and calls for strict regulation of the ingredients, age limits and other aspects related to the sales and distribution of e-cigarettes. There is a growing body of research that shows that they are unhealthy products designed to be addictive and facilitate first-time tobacco smoking.
UICC podcast on tobacco control
UICC focuses its efforts on three key areas:

Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of cancer and stopping smoking is one of the best ways to reduce our risk of developing cancer. @uicc
Tobacco kills up to half of its users who don’t quit. Prioritizing your health by avoiding tobacco can greatly improve your chances of a longer, healthier life. @uicc @WHO
Tobacco kills 8 million people worldwide each year, mainly in low- and middle-income countries where 80% of the world’s smokers live. @uicc @WHO
Tobacco use burdens the global economy with an estimated USD 2 trillion in healthcare costs and lost productivity each year.@uicc @WHO
All forms of tobacco use are harmful. There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco. Quitting tobacco at any age can will start to improve your health and quality of life almost immediately and add years to your life expectancy. @uicc @WHO
Lung cancer contributes to 1.8 million deaths globally per year. Two-thirds – 1.2 million deaths – are related to tobacco smoking. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer. @uicc @WHO
Tobacco taxation is one of the most cost-effective measures for controlling tobacco use and preventing cancer. According to @WHO, increasing tobacco prices by 10% cuts consumption by 4-5%. @uicc
Tobacco industry
In 2018, the six biggest tobacco producers made USD 55 billion in profit. That's more than the 9 of the leading food and beverage companies combined. This profit shows how the tobacco industry depends on gaining new customers to keep making money, relying on addiction to maintain their profits. @TobaccoAtlas
The tobacco industry relies on corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions – from building schools to offering disaster aid – to improve their public image and convince governments to limit taxes and restrictions on their products. @TobaccoAtlas
Tobacco taxes are the best way to prevent tobacco consumption, but they're not used enough. By raising taxes, tobacco products get more expensive, so fewer young people start smoking, more consumers quit, and overall tobacco use goes down. @TobaccoAtlas

Latest UICC news and blog articles on tobacco control
Philip Morris-funded foundation changes name but maintains pro-tobacco agenda

The power of tobacco taxation: reducing cigarette consumption and saving lives in East Africa

Efforts to improve early cancer detection in low-resource settings: spotlight on lung cancer

World No Tobacco Day is an annual awareness day taking place on 31 May.
Last update
Friday 03 May 2024