Global Breast Cancer Initiative

Breast cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer globally, ahead of lung cancer. While the incidence of breast cancer is generally higher in more developed regions, the number of cases is rising in low- and middle-income countries and they are often diagnosed later, leading to more serious outcomes.  

Femama Breast Cancer

The World Health Organization’s Global Breast Cancer Initiative (GBCI), established in 2021, brings together stakeholders from around the world and across sectors with the shared goal of reducing breast cancer by 2.5 percent per year, which over a 20 year period would save 2.5 million lives. 

UICC's Breast Cancer programme aims to support and strengthen the capacity of key breast cancer actors to increase their impact, with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries, and support the achievement of the goals of the GBCI.

GBCI employs 3 key pillars associated with specific targets to achieve these objectives:  

Breast cancer target 1

Health promotion and early detection
Achieve diagnosis of at least 60% of invasive breast cancers at stage I or II.

GBCI Target 2

Timely diagnosis
Evaluation, imaging, tissue sampling and pathology completed within 60 days.

GBCI Target 3

Comprehensive breast cancer management
80% undergo full courses of multimodality treatment and successfully return home.

Prof. Jeff Dunn, President of UICC 2022-2024, speaking at the World Cancer Leaders' Summit 2023 in Long Beach, CA, United States in November 2023.

Political will and a national strategy that prioritises targeted investments in cancer control as well as action at the international level can reduce the global cancer burden. 

Targeted commitments

© UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré

On 30 May 2017, health leaders from across the world reaffirmed cancer control as a critical health and development priority as they adopted the 2017 cancer resolution, entitled “Cancer prevention and control in the context of an integrated approach at the 70th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva. 

Cancer resolution

Woman looking at country profile at the 2016 World Cancer Congress

The World Cancer Declaration calls upon government leaders and policymakers to significantly reduce the global cancer burden, promote greater equity in the access to cancer services, and integrate cancer control into the global health and development agenda. 

World Cancer Declaration

Global Cancer Navigator cover

The tool aims to help policy makers and cancer and NCD advocates build understanding about the links between international time bound commitments and priority actions for national impact.

Global cancer commitments navigator
Two black women hugging each other

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally and currently, one life is lost every two minutes to this disease.

Cervical cancer elimination

Last update

Friday 29 September 2023

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