Virtual Fellowships
Virtual Fellowships allow cancer professionals from UICC member organisations to obtain expert learning and guidance in cancer control in English, French or Spanish, through a series of four one-to-one video calls with experts.
This initiative complements the Technical Fellowships programme and co-exists alongside it to provide an online alternative to UICC members.
Fellowship conditions
Call timeframe | Apply any time from 1 February to 31 December 2024. |
Target candidates | Cancer professionals working in research, public health or health service delivery at UICC member organisations. |
Experts | If needed, UICC can provide support in identifying and contacting experts. |
Duration | One month: minimum of four weekly one-hour video calls. Start date flexible, to be agreed upon with expert. |
Eligibility | Eligible candidates must be employed by a UICC member organisation (students are not eligible), have the endorsement of their line manager/superior and at least five years’ experience working in cancer control. |
Average value | No specific funding will be provided for those awarded a Virtual Fellowship. |
Fellowship topics |
All applications in cancer control are welcome, please see the list of recently completed fellowships for examples of fellowship topics. While candidates working in all fields of cancer control are welcome to apply, applications in breast cancer (as part of the broader Breast Cancer Programme) and cancer and ageing are particularly encouraged this year. |
How to apply?
Download the Word document and complete it, and send it with a copy of a signed letter of endorsement from your supervisor/manager to with the subject: Virtual Fellowship Application, as well as your first and last name, and UICC member organisation.
Icon Group supports Virtual Fellowships
Cancer nurses and medical radiation therapists from UICC member organisations are invited to apply for a UICC Virtual Fellowship with experts from one of Icon's Comprehensive Cancer Centres. Virtual reality headset technology for both live and recorded simulated training is available, as well as online clinical nurse training, and remote radiation therapy planning with dedicated radiation therapists.
"The use of assisted reality headsets has enabled us to train and support our teams in China, effectively and accurately providing a two-way remote conversation that has allowed us to bring a world-class level of care to complement the local clinical teams".
– Claire Smith, Icon Director of Radiation Therapy
"We are very excited to be able to support UICC Virtual Fellowships which will provide unique opportunities for our nursing team to share their knowledge and for invited professionals to connect with likeminded people looking to improve patient outcomes".
– Margie Hjorth, Icon Director of Nursing
For more information on Icon Group Cancer Centres please click here. Contact for more information on applying.
Current and recently completed Virtual Fellowships
Virtual Fellow | Organisation | Country | Expert's Organisation | Expert's Country | Fellowship title |
2021 |
Dr Arifur Raham | Oncology Club* | Bangladesh | Amsterdam UMC | Netherlands | Stereotaxy in oligometastatic disease |
Dr Khin OO Naing | Shwe Yaung Hnin Si Cancer Foundation* | Myanmar | Institut Curie | France | Cancer and ageing, prevention and early detection |
Dr Ullas Batra | Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre* | India | University Federico II of Naples | Italy | Clinical and translational research in lung cancer |
Dr Yamin Shwe Yee Soe | Pink Rose (Pun Yaung Hnin Si) Breast Cancer patient support group* | Myanmar | Breast Cancer Welfare Association* | Malaysia | Breast cancer control during COVID-19 |
Dr Veena Ramaswamy | Healthcare Global Enterprises* | India | University of Sussex | United Kingdom | Oncopathology, as applicable to solid tumors |
Sonali Bagal | Tata Memorial Centre* | India | Finnish Cancer Registry | Finland | Survival analysis of population-based cancer registry data of Sangrur district, Punjab state, India |
Kaniz Fatema Rahman | Oncology Club* | Bangladesh | Amsterdam UMC | Netherlands | Comprehensive management of hematological malignancies especially pediatric ALL by multidisciplinary approach |
Drs Anannya Sarkar and Shamima Afroz | Bangladesh Cancer Society* | Bangladesh | Apollo Hospital, Kolkata | India | Recent advanced techniques of Radiotherapy for colo-rectal cancers, specially for recto-sigmoid, rectal & anal canal carcinomas |
Dr Anil Kumar | Healthcare Global Enterprises* | India | Amsterdam UMC | Netherlands | Management of newly diagnosed prostate cancer during Covid pandemic |
* UICC member organisation
Virtual Fellowships Partners
Les Fellowships Virtuels permettent aux professionnels de la lutte contre le cancer des organisations membres de l’UICC de bénéficier d’un accompagnement et de conseils en anglais, français ou espagnol, par la voie d’une série de quatre appels vidéo individuels avec des experts.
Cette initiative s’inscrit en complément du programme des bourses de l’UICC (Technical Fellowships/Bourses pour l’Afrique francophone). Cette alternative virtuelle continuera à être proposée aux membres de l’UICC lorsque ce programme sera de nouveau disponible.
Période – Appel à candidatures | Appel ouvert du 1 avril au 31 décembre 2023. |
Candidats concernés | Professionnels de la lutte contre le cancer travaillant dans la recherche, la santé publique ou les services cliniques au sein d’un membre de l’UICC. |
Durée | Un mois : minimum de quatre appels vidéos hebdomadaires d’une heure. |
Éligibilité | Les candidats éligibles doivent être employés par une organisation membre de l’UICC (les étudiants ne sont pas éligibles), doivent disposer de l’autorisation de leur superviseur et avoir une expérience d’au moins cinq ans dans le domaine de la lutte contre le cancer. |
Financement | Il n’y a pas de financement spécifique au bénéfice des candidats participant à ces Fellowships virtuels. |
Sujets |
Tous sujets relatifs à la lutte contre le cancer sont encouragés. |
Comment soumettre une candidature ?
Télécharger le document Word, le compléter et l’envoyer avec une lettre signée d’approbation de votre superviseur à l’adresse en indiquant en objet : Candidature Fellowship Virtuel – votre prénom, nom et votre organisation membre de l’UICC.
Las Becas Virtuales permiten a los profesionales de la lucha contra el cáncer de organizaciones miembros de la UICC beneficiarse de un aprendizaje y acompañamiento profesional en inglés, francés y español, a través de una serie de cuatro videollamadas individuales con expertos.
Esta iniciativa complementa el programa de Becas Técnicas (Technical Fellowships), y coexistirán una vez éste último vuelva a abrir, proporcionando así una alternativa a los miembros de la UICC.
Periodo para postular | La convocatoria abre el 1 de abril y estará abierta hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023. |
Candidatos | Profesionales de la lucha contra el cáncer en investigación, salud pública o de prestación de servicios sanitarios de organizaciones miembros de la UICC. |
Duración | Un mes: mínimo una videollamada seminal durante cuatro semanas |
Requisitos de elegibilidad | Los candidatos deben trabajar actualmente en una organización miembro de la UICC (excluyendo a estudiantes), contra con el aval de su supervisor directo o superior, y tener al menos cinco años de experiencia profesional en el ámbito de la lucha contra el cáncer. |
Valor | No hay financiación específica para los candidatos seleccionados |
Temas de las becas |
Se aceptan postulaciones en relación a todos los aspectos de la lucha contra el cáncer. |
¿Cómo postular?
Descárguese el documento Word, complételo, y mándelo junto con una copia de una carta de apoyo de su supervisor/superior a con el título de Asunto: Postulación a las Becas Virtuales - Nombre y Apellido/s, nombre de la organización miembro de la UICC.
Established in 1962, the Fellowships is one of UICC's oldest and most established portfolio of programmes.
Transfer of cancer control knowledge, skills and techniques through two-week to two-month international visits
Technical Fellowships
En 2017 UICC a lancé un programme de bourses pour le personnel de santé et les autres professionnels travaillant dans le domaine du cancer en Afrique francophone.
Bourses pour l’Afrique Francophone (BAF)
The YY Study Grants provide an important opportunity to advance cancer research through international collaboration.
Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer (YY...
In the last 60 years UICC has awarded over 4200 fellowships to cancer professionals from over 140 different countries.
Fellowship outcomes and impact
Fellows who have successfully completed a fellowship are invited to join the Association of UICC Fellows.
Association of UICC Fellows
UICC regularly reviews its capacity building programmes to ensure UICC programmes are not only contemporary but also targeted to meet the emerging needs of cancer control organisations and contribute to the development of cancer control at a country level.
Past successes
Last update
Thursday 01 February 2024