17 April 2020

UICC temporarily closes call for 2020 Technical Fellowships

As part of its response to the coronavirus pandemic, UICC is temporarily closing the calls for the 2020 Technical Fellowships and for the sub-programme focused on Francophone Africa, Bourses pour l’Afrique francophone.

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This is in line with UICC’s decision not to hold any face-to-face meetings or events in 2020. The Technical Fellowships and its French sub-programme Bourses pour l’Afrique francophone plan to be reopened as of 1 October 2020 allowing candidates to apply for fellowship visits to take place in 2021.

“The Technical Fellowships Programme’s remit is to support and promote the exchange of knowledge and skills to enhance cancer control through international travel, in-person visits and face-to-face mentoring,” said Kirstie Graham, UICC’s Director of Capacity Building. Therefore, we believe it would be inconsistent to keep the call for fellowships open and continue to promote this opportunity in the current global context.” 

So far, UICC has received 27 applications from 13 countries. All applications received before the closing date of today (17 April) will be processed. It is likely, however, that final decisions may be delayed as many of the reviewers are actively involved in the frontline care of patients, which is the priority at this time. 

Any awarded fellowships will need to postpone their fellowship visit start dates until 2021.

Au regard de la situation actuelle liée à la pandémie de Covid-19, les bourses techniques ainsi que les appels à candidatures relatifs aux bourses pour l'Afrique francophones seront suspendus jusqu'au 1er octobre, date à laquelle la situation pourra être évaluée en vue d'une réouverture.

Last update

Thursday 20 August 2020

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