Recent Constitutional changes

The 2020 General Assembly took place virtually on 6 October 2020.

Princess Dina Mired – UICC President 2018-2020 introduces the General Assembly 2020

Change to the UICC Constitution to allow for virtual General Assemblies

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, new rules in Switzerland make it possible for a membership organisation to change its Constitution by seeking approval from full members virtually.

After consultation with the UICC lawyer, the UICC Board of Directors decided to seek approval from full members to implement this sensible change, so that UICC would be able to hold General Assemblies virtually in the future. In a recent announcement, UICC had already declared it would be cancelling or postponing face-to-face meetings in 2020.

Full members were asked to confirm in writing to the UICC office in Geneva whether or not they supported or not the proposed change by end of day 25th April CET.  

On 26 April at 14h00 (CET), under instruction from the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who acted as President of the General Assembly, the Chief Operating Officer (COO), who acted as Secretary of the General Assembly. and the UICC lawyer convened to confirm the votes cast by the membership. The vote was unanimously in favour and the Resolution was passed.

The new paragraph 10.10 in the UICC Constitution reads as follows:

A meeting of the General Assembly shall be held in principle in the form of a face-to-face meeting (physical attendance). However, such meeting of the General Assembly shall be held by videoconference (or by other means permitted by applicable laws and regulations) and/or a mixture of the two (i.e. a mixture of face to face and videoconference or other means permitted) when requested:

a.     by the Board of Directors;

b.     by one–fifth (1/5) of full members by means of a written notice to the Chief Executive Officer.”

The revised Constitution is now available

Over the next few weeks, the Board of Directors will consider the options available on when and how to run the General Assembly, noting the evolving coronavirus pandemic and the impact it is having on the membership.

UICC Constitution 2020

UICC Constitution 2020 cover
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
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Last update

Thursday 12 January 2023

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