02 October 2019

UICC supports evidence showing health risks of red meat

Leading experts and health organisations have rejected recent findings that claim most people do not need to reduce or moderate how much red and processed meat they eat. 

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A consortium known as NutriRECS published the findings and came to the conclusion that a reduction of red meat consumption would not have any significant health benefits. 

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) supports the views of the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), the World Health Organisation (WHO), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and other organisations who point out the strong body of evidence showing the health risks of red and processed meat.

UICC also draws attention to a study authored by Lo, Park et al. on the “ Association between meat consumption and risk of breast cancer: findings from the Sister study ”, published in UICC’s International Journal of Cancer (IJC) in August. It found that consuming red meat carries a significantly higher risk of breast cancer than white meat (poultry).

UICC therefore supports the recommendation of the World Cancer Research Fund that reducing the consumption of red meat to 350-500g per week and eating little, if any, processed meat is important for cancer prevention. 

Also see: 
WCRF Cancer Prevention Recommendations

Last update

Thursday 03 October 2019

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