19 July 2019

UICC strengthens its partnership engagement in South Korea

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) has two new partners in South Korea. It signed respective agreements with CUBEBIO, a diagnostic and biomedical company, and Korea’s National Cancer Centre (NCCK). Both partnerships aim at building a better future for global cancer control. 

“Through our partnership with UICC, we plan to become a company that supports the global fight against cancer and that promotes the importance of early detection around the globe”
– Mrs Choi, Eun-Jong, Chief Executive Officer at CUBEBIO

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Early detection significantly increases the chances for successful treatment. Among the 18 million new cancer cases in 2018, nearly 5 million cases could have been detected and treated earlier.* 

With this in mind, CUBEBIO will support the development of a report that will highlight the importance of investing in early detection for effective cancer control. It will feature good practices for early detection and present available technologies. 

The National Cancer Centre in Korea will help facilitate the exchange of technical knowledge and skills in all areas of cancer control as part of UICC’s Fellowships Programme

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Furthermore, NCC will support the development of a case study on South Korea’s national cancer control plan that will serve as a key resource for other UICC members engaged in the process of developing and implementing cancer plans in their respective countries.
Since its establishment in 2000, the National Cancer Centre of Korea has always been at the forefront of improving national health and welfare through research, screening and treatment, patient care, education & training, and supporting the implementation of national cancer control programmes. Prior to becoming a partner, NCC has been a member of UICC for more than 15 years.

“Partnering with UICC will allow us to better transfer knowledge and foster capacity building opportunities on a globalscale. We are particularly proud of this collaboration and we look forward to working with UICC to make an impact in cancer control”
– Dr June Hyuk Kim, MD, Staff Surgeon, Orthopaedic Oncology Clinic, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Manager International Cooperation Team at National Cancer Center of Korea

* International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

Last update

Wednesday 07 August 2019

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