01 November 2022

New initiative to reimagine cancer prevention research in Europe launched at the World Cancer Congress

The Dutch Cancer Society and the Swedish Cancer Society announced at UICC’s World Cancer Congress funding for the Reimagining Cancer Research in Europe initiative. IARC is also collaborating.

At UICC’s World Cancer Congress in Geneva last week, the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) pledged € 2 million to kickstart a new European initiative aimed at boosting cancer prevention research and its implementation, with additional funding pledged by the Swedish Cancer Society (Cancerfonden).

“The figures coming at us in Europe are staggering. If we don’t step up our act in the effective prevention of cancer, our health systems will crumble under the burden. Coming together across Europe in the funding of often neglected research in an attempt to find new and innovative pathways to prevention is not only inspiring but also bitterly needed.”
–    Johan van de Gronden, CEO of  the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF)

Sparked by the European CEO roundtable series in 2021, UICC, the Dutch Cancer Society and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) joined forces to consult and convene leaders of cancer organisations in the European region to explore a new initiative to “Reimagine Cancer Research in Europe” that aligns with Europe's Beating Cancer Plan and Mission on Cancer.

Through a series of virtual workshops, participants discussed which key cancer research topics should be taken forward for targeted support and investment. Research into novel strategies in cancer prevention and their implementation was selected as an area of priority, where support could have significant long-term impact.

“Today, almost half of all cancer deaths across the world are linked to preventable factors. Preventing cancer is therefore not only a prerequisite for defeating cancer, it also saves an enormous amount of human suffering along the way. Now is the time to strengthen research in cancer prevention, and implementation research in particular, needs our urgent focus.”
–    Ulrika Årehed Kågström, CEO of the Swedish Cancer Society (Cancerfonden) and President-elect of UICC President-elect 

UICC will act as secretariat, establishing a steering committee and publishing a call for applications in 2023. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialised cancer agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), will contribute its scientific expertise and resources.

Other European cancer organisations have also expressed interest in contributing to this cancer prevention research initiative. 

The Initiative will provide seed-funds of up to € 500,000 to support two-year cross-border research projects in in cancer prevention, allowing the scale-up and implementation of projects demonstrating preliminary promise.

Last update

Monday 04 September 2023

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