Tuesday, 9 May 2023 - 10:00 - Tuesday, 9 May 2023 - 11:00

Virtual Dialogue: UHC and cancer prevention

30-50% of cancers can be prevented via cost-effective policies. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) must include prevention and health promotion measures. UICC's Virtual Dialogue aimed to discuss effective advocacy for integrating prevention measures into UHC. Participants were able to connect with the cancer community via break out rooms.

Globally, between 30 and 50% of cancer cases could be prevented through the implementation of a series of cost-effective and feasible policy options. Yet, there has been comparatively limited discussions about the importance of including cancer prevention and health promotion measures in national universal health coverage (UHC) strategies. 

With the upcoming high-level meeting on UHC in September, the cancer community has a unique opportunity to draw the attention of policymakers to this essential public health issue.  

This UICC Virtual Dialogue on UHC and cancer prevention brought together members of the cancer community from around the world to:  

  • Learn how organisations have been raising awareness about the importance of disease prevention and health promotion measures as a foundation for effective UHC  

  • Discuss examples of effective advocacy to integrate cancer prevention and broader health promotion measures into UHC benefit packages  

  • Explore advocacy opportunities, both before and after the high-level meeting, to engage decision-makers, build relationships with new organisations and secure political commitments.  

Participants were encouraged to share their thoughts and questions with the expert speakers:

  • Rachel Devotsu, Regional Manager for Africa at the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer
  • Maik Dünnbier, Director of Strategy and Advocacy at Movendi International
  • Dr Anita Maria Borges, Vice Chairperson at the Indian Cancer Society 

The Virtual Dialogue also allowed participants to connect with other members of the cancer community through a series of thematic break out rooms.  

View the recording

Event Information

Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
Date and time
Register here

Last update

Thursday 13 July 2023

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