23 October 2023

Israeli-Palestinian conflict: UICC expresses great concern for civilians and cancer patients

UICC joins calls to facilitate and provide urgent humanitarian aid, medical support and assistance to those in need, including cancer patients.

UICC deeply empathises with those affected by the ongoing violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories. The recent surge in hostilities since October is resulting in the tragic loss of innocent lives on both sides of the conflict and, as noted by the United Nations and others, in the further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

“We are deeply troubled by the events unfolding in the region and by the devastating impact on people’s lives and on health services and patients. Our thoughts go out to everyone caught up in this traumatic situation, in particular those who, in addition to facing violence, fear and for some, displacement, are grappling with the challenging reality of cancer.”
Prof. Jeff Dunn AO, President, UICC

UICC has several member organisations in the region. The Israel Cancer Association (Givatayim), the Flute of Light (Netanya), Aid and Hope Program for Cancer Patient Care (Gaza); Alhayat Association for Cancer Control (Ramallah), Augusta Victoria Hospital (Jerusalem), Istishari Arab Hospital (Ramallah), Palestinian Oncology Society (Ramallah), and Patient's Friend's Society (Jerusalem).
All of these members are part of the global cancer community and UICC stands ready to support them in their tireless efforts to care for the well-being of people living with cancer.

“Cancer knows no borders, and it respects no conflicts. It is a disease that affects individuals regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or political affiliation. The people of Gaza, Israel and others in the region face the same cancer-related challenges as those around the world. It is in this shared experience of the human condition that we support calls to facilitate and provide urgent humanitarian aid, medical support and assistance to those in need, and focus on the needs of cancer patients. This includes access to cancer care and treatment for patients who are caught up in the turmoil.”
– Cary Adams, CEO, UICC

Last update

Wednesday 25 October 2023

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