18 January 2016

Psycho-Oncology Special Issue on Cancer Prevention

For a limited time the Psycho-Oncology Special Issue on Cancer Prevention is free-to-access online for UICC members.

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Over the past decade, global action to address the emerging crisis in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has escalated. Central to these efforts has been the support and influence of the World Health Organisation and the United Nations with the 2000 civil societies represented by the Non-Communicable Disease Alliance. In particular this reached expression in the world's first High Level Meeting on NCDs by the United Nations leading to the 2011 Political Declaration urging a coordinated global response to NCDs.

Where then does psycho-oncology sit in this global context? Psycho-oncology practitioners and their collective, the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), have traditionally been situated within a patient focus and context. However, through linkages with community-based and non-government cancer organisations' agencies, psycho-oncology research and practice has played a key role in reducing cancer risk, improving cancer survivorship, and influencing social and cultural change to eliminate disease-related stigma. As a discipline, psycho-oncology has contributed to widespread recognition of patient-centred care in cancer and along with a broad acceptance and endorsement of the IPOS International Standard. However psycho-oncology is less well accepted in nation-state cancer plans and herein lies opportunity.

This special issue includes research across the illness continuum from cancer prevention to screening and early detection, and then to tertiary prevention with lifestyle considerations for cancer survivors. Importantly this demonstrates the capacity within psycho-oncology to develop new understandings of cancer as not only a disease but also a context linked to individual, community, and society health and well-being.

The edition includes an editorial co-authored by UICC CEO Cary Adams. 

To access the special issue, please read :

Last update

Friday 07 June 2019

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