27 April 2022

Podcast "Let's Talk Cancer": Efficient cancer control planning promotes greater equity in health

In this podcast episode of Let’s talk cancer, Dr Tsetse Batmunkh illustrates how cancer control can be integrated into national health schemes to promote universal health coverage and ensure that everyone has access to care. 

Universal health coverage (UHC) means that all people can benefit from quality health services, where and when they need them, without suffering financial hardship.

At least half of the world’s population, however, still do not have access to the full range of essential health services, including cancer care and treatment. And the cost of cancer treatment and care may push many patients and their families into poverty or further into poverty due to out-of-pocket spending

Tsetsegsaikhan Batmunkh, Founder and CEO of National Cancer Council of Mongolia, at The Economist event War on Cancer Europe 2019

In this podcast, Dr Tsetsegsaikhan Batmunkh, CEO of the National Cancer Council of Mongolia, draws on her experience in her country where she is former advisor to Health Minister and speaks to Cary Adams about how national cancer control can be integrated into UHC planning and how to improve access to care for marginalised communities.

Listen on:  Spotify | Stitcher | Apple Podcasts | Amazon Music | Audible | Deezer


Last update

Friday 15 March 2024

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