04 May 2020

ICCP Technical Assistance

The International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) brings together partners to coordinate efforts and work towards the goal of all countries establishing and implementing a quality national cancer control plan.

Recently, the Technical Assistance Group of the ICCP has streamlined and further developed the technical assistance support in national cancer control planning. Countries can now receive guidance on their National Cancer Control Plan (NCCP), including a detailed review of their NCCP and by taking part in the ICCP ECHO program on NCCP implementation.

What technical assistance does ICCP offer?

  • Assistance with development of NCCPs and implementation plans
  • Reviewing, evaluating, providing feedback on drafts of national cancer control plans
  • Assistance with updating expired or soon-to-expire NCCPs
  • Expertise and/or connection to an expert on a specific area of cancer control, for example pathology
  • The ICCP ECHO program on NCCP implementation.
    The program seeks to support national cancer control plan implementation through the development of a community of practice using the Project ECHO telementoring program with countries in the implementation stage of their national cancer control plan. The Program brings together country-level participants and global cancer control experts in a bi-directional learning environment through monthly hour-long ECHO sessions.   The curriculum will be developed based on topics identified by participants as key areas of technical need in cancer control plan implementation (e.g., costing the national cancer control plan, strategies for prioritizing cancer prevention and control activities, etc.).  Each session will include a case presentation by one of the participating countries, a didactic presentation on a technical topic, and a group discussion.

You can find out more about the technical assistance on the ICCP portal and how to apply for the ICCP Cancer Control ECHO.

Last update

Monday 04 May 2020

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