15 December 2017

Global Report on Cancer: How to get involved – Webinar recording now available

On 12 December 2017, two introductory webinars were conducted in partnership with WHO giving some early insights into the plans for the new Global Report on Cancer (GRoC).

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These webinars were conducted as a direct response to Member States request to:

develop, before the end of 2019, the first periodic public health- and policy-oriented world report on cancer, in the context of an integrated approach, based on the latest available evidence and international experience, and covering the elements of this resolution, with the participation of all relevant parts of WHO, including IARC, and in collaboration with all other relevant stakeholders, including cancer survivors 

The webinars represented an early opportunity to provide feedback or ideas for content at the development stage of this key document as well as input into the process for disseminating its content ahead of the scheduled launch in 2019.

UICC and participants were encouraged to hear from Dr André Ilbawi, Technical Officer for cancer in the WHO team, that “the adoption of the 2017 cancer resolution has changed the trajectory on cancer control at WHO”.

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We are pleased to share the recording here below and the slide deck, so you may: 

  1. Hear about the four phases for realising this project and how you can get involved
  2. Hear how similar WHO reports in other disease areas have become a key document for driving political support and national action. UICC and WHO would like to work hand in hand with you to harness this experience to maximum impact for cancer prevention and control.

Download the slides here:

Global Report on Cancer (GRoC) Webinar Slides.pdf

This is the first of regular webinars with WHO on key commitments made by the Director General in the cancer resolution and represents a change in our engagement and closer working relationship with WHO. UICC will host an ongoing common interest group discussion on the GRoC – let us know if you would like to join. In addition, please share with us any thoughts, ideas, case studies or commitments you would like to the GRoC based on the excellent presentation, we will collate these and share with the WHO team.

The UICC Geneva team is excited about the opportunities the Global Report on Cancer will open up. We hope this introduction inspires you also.

Last update

Tuesday 28 February 2023

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