11 December 2014

Spotlight on the Cancer Prevention Network: Multimedia Library

Join the prevention conversation and access the Network's Multimedia Library now!

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The Cancer Prevention Network’s interactive multimedia library showcases the latest effective prevention campaigns and social media marketing interventions worldwide.

The UICC Cancer Prevention Network is a joint initiative between UICC and Cancer Council Victoria (CCV). Hosted on the International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) Portal, the Prevention Network builds on the expertise across the UICC membership to equip policymakers and cancer advocates in the field of health promotion and social marketing with state of the art knowledge exchange and best practices on cancer prevention, early detection and screening.

The Cancer Prevention Network is a great opportunity for all organisations to spread their messages through prevention campaigns. The Network's multimedia library contains materials in the form of video, audio, apps, website, printed resources, school curriculum and other media on tobacco control, skin cancer prevention, harmful use of alcohol, anti-cancer vaccinations, obesity, nutrition, occupational risks, physical inactivity and early detection and screening messaging (bowel, colorectal, prostate and breast cancers). If you wish to contribute to the library, please submit your resources here.

Don't miss this opportunity to share your successful campaigns with experts from all over the world, and inspire others to do the same in their country, so they can have an impact too.

Download the Cancer Prevention Network Flyer to learn more about the Network and ways to contribute.

Last update

Friday 07 June 2019

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