2017 WCLS - Workshop options

UICC regularly reviews its capacity building programmes to ensure UICC programmes are not only contemporary but also targeted to meet the emerging needs of cancer control organisations and contribute to the development of cancer control at a country level.

Clinical research: an opportunity to access innovation in Latin America 

FULLY BOOKED - New registrations will not be considered

From 8:30 – 12:30. The workshop will include a coffee break.
Held in room Castillo A6, level B

Workshop organised by:

This workshop, organised by the National Cancer Institute of Mexico, aims to highlight the value of Clinical Research as a gateway to innovation for cancer patients in Mexico and Latin America.

The sessions will focus on experiences from the government, academia and civil society, to facilitate access to the latest cancer treatments, bridging patients’ therapeutic needs with the most innovative medicines for their treatment.

Topics to be addressed include: 

  • Overview of access to innovative treatments in Latin America
  • The perspective of patients in clinical trials
  • Proposals to improve current regulatory and policy environment
  • Mechanisms to increase human resources and infrastructure
  • Effective communication for doctors and patients to learn about current and future protocols

Creating an ecosystem that facilitates cancer research: city perspectives

FULLY BOOKED - New registrations will not be considered

From 09:00 - 12:30. The workshop will include a coffee break.
Held in room Uxmal, Level R

Workshop organised by:




The workshop will examine relevant questions around how a research-friendly environment can be fostered in cities, potentially including discussions around questions such as:

- How is the local research agenda set?
- What are the questions to be answered locally that fit into the global research agenda?
- What are examples of success in cancer centers of excellence?
- How is research being integrated into patient care?
- What are the policy implications for city leaders, and other stakeholders?
- How can partners better work together to address research challenges?

Dr. Jeffrey Sturchio, President & CEO​, Rabin Martin, USA

Dr. Eduardo Cervera Ceballos , Director of the Education, National Cancer Institute (INCan), Mexico
Dr. Kyle Holen, Head Development Design Center, Abbvie, USA
Dr. Beatrice Wiafe Addai, President, Founder, Breast Care International (BCI), Ghana

The Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (CCPI): collaborative efforts to increase HPV vaccine and cervical cancer screening rates in LMICs

FULLY BOOKED - New registrations will not be considered

From 09:00 - 17:00. The workshop will include morning and afternoon coffee breaks as well as lunch. 
Held in room Coba, level R

Workshop organised by:

In November 2015 Cervical Cancer Action (CCA) launched a five-year initiative called the Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (CCPI) with the vision to expand and scale up global efforts to prevent cervical cancer in low- and lower-middle income countries over the next five years. The CCPI is an association of partners with the goal to ensure that all young adolescent girls receive the HPV vaccine and every woman is screened at least once between the ages of 30 and 49—and that she has access to pre-cancer treatment when necessary.

This workshop will provide a unique opportunity for cancer leaders around the world to exchange knowledge, skills and experience on current efforts in low- and middle-income countries to increase HPV vaccine and cervical cancer screening rates. Cancer leaders will work together to create immediate concrete steps on how to work more effectively together and forge the appropriate collaborations to scale up these critical prevention services. They will share local and national HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening case studies and identify areas to build political commitment, increase investment, integrate with other health services, improve communication strategies, establish systems to monitor and track coverage, and encourage innovation and shared learning.

Dr. Carlos Jose  Castro, Medical Director, Liga Colombiana Contra el Cáncer, Colombia
Mr. Orlando Benito Martínez Granera, Vice President, Fundación Movimiento Contra el Cáncer (Movicancer-Nicaragua), Nicaragua
Dr. Rolando Herrero, Head of Section of Early Detection and Prevention, International Agency for Research on Cancer, France


The challenge of diagnostics in cancer treatment

FULLY BOOKED - New registrations will not be considered

From 09:00 - 17:00. The workshop will include morning and afternoon coffee breaks as well as lunch.
Held in room Castillo A2, level B

Workshop organised by:

The workshop will cover the following topics:

-Traditional approaches to cancer diagnostics will be discussed and the challenge of implementation across the globe
-The role of advanced diagnostics in meeting the needs of oncologists to tailor treatment for best outcomes will be       explored
-Population centers (cities) as centers of excellence and network integration will be presented.
-Telepathology and other partnerships to insure success in every setting will be characterized.

Dr. Dan Milner, Chief Medical Officer at American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), USA
Dr. Jeannette Guarner, Director of Laboratory at Emory University Hospital Midtown, USA

Investigación Clínica: una oportunidad de acceso a la innovación para los pacientes en América Latina

El cáncer, como parte de una de las enfermedades no transmisibles más apremiantes, requiere del desarrollo acelerado de soluciones que incrementen la esperanza y calidad de vida de los pacientes oncológicos y  al mismo tiempo, provean a los médicos tratantes  de un mayor y mejor arsenal terapéutico.

Este taller organizado por el Instituto Nacionald de Cancerología de México,  tiene como objetivo destacar el valor de la Investigación Clínica como la puerta de acceso a la innovación para  pacientes con cáncer en México y América Latina.

A lo largo de las sesiones se compartirán experiencias  desde el gobierno, la academia y la sociedad civil, para facilitar el acceso a los últimos tratamientos oncológicos, tendiendo puentes entre los pacientes con cáncer y los medicamentos más innovadores para su tratamiento.

Entre los puntos que se abordarán se encuentran:

  • Panorama del acceso a tratamientos innovadore en América Latina.
  • Ensayos clínicos como un mecanismo de acceso a los medicamentos del futuro, hoy.
  • La perspectiva de los pacientes en los ensayos clínicos.
  • Propuestas para el acceso a la innovación por medio de la investigación desde la óptica latinoamericana:
    • Propuestas para mejorar la regulación actual
    • Necesidades de infraestructura y personal capacitado ¿cómo desarrollar los mecanismo que incrementen los recursos en estos rubros?
    • Comunicación efectiva para que médicos y pacientes conozcan los protocolos vigentes

Last update

Thursday 12 January 2023

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